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Automotive Masterminds 2024

Automotive Masterminds Logo

Meet us at an exceptional conference where the thought leaders of future mobility exchange ideas.

Hardly any other industry is currently undergoing such a massive transformation as the automotive industry. Cherished and proven traditions and technologies are being put to an end. Drivers of change are digitalization, the pandemic, climate targets and worldwide economic and political uncertainties. These factors are accelerating innovative change, disrupting supply chains, and enhancing customer value, all at the same time. Stability is not in sight - exciting times for company leaders. There's a lot to talk about!

Go to the conference website and find out more!

Berlin - moving mobility to the next level

The German capital is at the forefront of automotive innovation, where cutting-edge research, world-class design, and forward-thinking startups converge to drive the future of transportation.

From electric vehicles to autonomous driving, Berlin is a hub of automotive excellence where visions for the future of mobility become reality. The city is home to numerous research institutions and universities. But it's not just research and development that sets Berlin apart. The city is also a hotbed of automotive startups, with many young companies pushing the boundaries of what's possible in terms of vehicle design, mobility services, and sustainability. And with its strong ecosystem of accelerators, incubators, and co-working spaces, Berlin is a great place to launch and grow your own automotive venture.

Berlin Partner is happy to help you learn more about Berlin's potential as an automotive hub and facilitate your business engagement. Don't hesitate to contact us!


Header Image: Estrel