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24.04.2023 | Tech and Business News

Enter Audits Homes, to Help Owners be Sustainable

Enter founders Max Schroeren, Justus Menten, and Alexander Müller

Enter founders outside the house: Max Schroeren, Justus Menten, and Alexander Müller – © Enter

The energy efficiency of your own home is the best place to start a sustainable lifestyle, say founders Justus Menten and Max Schroeren. They originally called their startup Baupal, building pal, and recently changed the name to Enter – and because you won’t find it so easily if you google “Enter”, here’s the link: The promise of their fast and simple energy consulting is to “make yourself independent of energy costs”. That means their digital survey will help you identify inadequate insulation, poorly insulating windows, or inefficient heating, and then even automatically fill out the applications for subsidies available to fix these problems cost-efficiently. There is a personal service too, but most of the consultants are not directly employed by Enter (so costs are lower). When you’ve gone through the process, you’ll be ready for companies like Enpal, 1Komma5° or Thermondo to help you generate your own energy. “We are increasing the productivity of energy efficiency consultation by 400 percent,” says Menten, himself an architect and certified energy efficiency consultant. A number of prominent founder/investors such as Hanno Heintzenberg or Lukas Pieczonka, both “Mayd”, and Daniel Kreter of Taxfix along with VCs like Target Global are betting on Enter to enter the market successfully. They just invested €13.8M in a second financing round within just a few months, making the total sum that has entered Enter since the end of 2022 almost €20M. The money is to develop the “home energy intelligence platform” and scale the business. Enter currently employs 75 people and plans to double that number by the end of 2023.

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