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Berlin Deep Tech Award Ceremony 2024

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From AI to Robotics: Berlin's Cutting-Edge Innovators Shine

Groundbreaking Innovations Across Five Tech Domains Honored at Berlin Deep Tech Awards

The Berlin Deep Tech Awards, established in 2015 by the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, celebrates innovative products and solutions from Berlin-based companies and startups. This prestigious award recognizes both application-oriented, proven solutions and software/hardware-based products that demonstrate a high degree of innovation and significant future potential. The award focuses on five key technology and application areas: Artificial Intelligence, Photonics and Quantum Technologies, Robotics, Sustainable & Social Impact, and Web3.0 - DLT, Blockchain, NFT & Metaverse. In 2024, from nearly 100 submissions and 15 nominated teams, one winner per category was selected by an expert jury based on innovation level and market potential.

Let's dive into the groundbreaking innovations that caught the jury's attention and secured the top spots in each category. These five companies exemplify Berlin's vibrant tech ecosystem and its potential to shape industries worldwide.

Cambrium: Igniting a Bio-Material Revolution

In the realm of Artificial Intelligence, Cambrium stands poised to spark a revolution in bio-based materials. Drawing inspiration from the Cambrian explosion - a period of unprecedented biological diversification that occurred approximately 541 million years ago - this innovative company harnesses AI to design proteins with micro-molecular precision.

At the heart of Cambrium's groundbreaking approach lies an AI-powered system that screens molecular candidates for structure, function, and expressibility. The company then employs yeast in a sustainable fermentation process to bring these novel molecules to life. This ingenious method unlocks the potential to create material building blocks with unprecedented functionalities, paving the way for transformative changes across industries.

Cambrium's flagship product, NovaColl™, exemplifies their cutting-edge work. This vegan, skin-identical micro-molecular collagen, discovered through an extensive scan of billions of natural collagen sequences, offers unparalleled efficacy and biocompatibility for personal care applications. NovaColl™ not only delivers powerful effects across skin layers but does so with minimal environmental impact.

As Cambrium charts its course forward, the company aims to broaden its portfolio of sustainable, high-performance molecules. Their vision extends beyond mere product development; they aspire to reshape everyday consumer goods and forge entirely new markets for bio-based materials.

Berlin Deep Tech Award 2024 Winner in the category "Artificial Intelligence": Cambrium
Berlin Deep Tech Award 2024 Winner in the category "Artificial Intelligence": Cambrium

From Fingerpricks to Photonics: DiaMonTech's Quantum Leap in Diabetes Management

Imagine checking your blood sugar as easily as glancing at your smartwatch. Sounds like science fiction? Not for DiaMonTech. This Berlin-based company has developed a groundbreaking device for non-invasive, real-time blood glucose monitoring.

At the heart of DiaMonTech's innovation is their patented photothermal detection technology. It uses a quantum cascade laser to emit mid-infrared light that specifically excites glucose molecules in the skin. The resulting thermal energy is then measured, allowing for quick and reliable blood sugar readings without the need for painful finger pricks.

Their first product, the D-Base tabletop device, has shown promising results in clinical studies, demonstrating accuracy comparable to early-stage continuous glucose monitoring systems approved by the FDA. DiaMonTech is now developing a handheld device, the D-Pocket, which will make this technology accessible to end-users.

The company's ambitious roadmap includes further miniaturization of their glucose monitor to millimeter scale. This advancement could pave the way for integration into smartwatches or fitness bands, potentially transforming diabetes management and even aiding in early prevention for non-diabetics.

DiaMonTech's innovative approach has already earned them several prestigious accolades, including first place at the Health Tech Challengers and the Healthcare Innovation World Cup 2023.

Don't be a prick - DiaMonTech's non-invasive glucose monitoring

Diving into the Future: EvoLogics' Bionic Underwater Vehicles

Have you ever wondered how penguins might inspire underwater exploration? EvoLogics, the winner in the "Robotics" category, has taken this fascinating concept and turned it into reality with their Quadroin autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).

At the heart of EvoLogics' innovation is their bionic approach, combining cutting-edge engineering with nature's best ideas. The Quadroin AUV, with its distinctive penguin-like design, is a testament to this philosophy. Dr. Rudolf Bannasch, EvoLogics' founder, spent years researching penguin locomotion, resulting in the AUV's remarkable hydrodynamic properties. This streamlined shape allows the Quadroin to achieve speeds of up to 10 knots while minimizing energy consumption.

The latest iteration of the Quadroin boasts an impressive array of features. It's equipped with side-scan sonar for acoustic seafloor imaging, two full-HD underwater cameras with LED lights, and an AI-powered object recognition module for real-time detection and collision avoidance. These capabilities make the Quadroin ideal for various underwater applications, from environmental monitoring to search and rescue operations.

EvoLogics Quadroin bionic underwater robot: the next-generation

From Lab to Table: SAFIA's Quest for Safer Food

What if a single drop of liquid could reveal multiple hidden dangers in our food? This is the reality that SAFIA Technologies, winner in the "Sustainable & Social Impact" category, is bringing to life with their groundbreaking particle-based rapid testing technology.

At the heart of SAFIA's innovation is their Suspension Array Fluorescence Immunoassay (SAFIA) technology, which allows for the simultaneous detection of multiple contaminants in food, with a particular focus on mycotoxins. These toxic compounds, produced by certain molds, pose a significant threat to food safety and human health, potentially causing acute poisoning, chronic diseases, and even cancer.

What's fascinating about SAFIA's approach is its ability to combine speed, cost-effectiveness, and user-friendliness. Their technology can perform over 1000 individual measurements in less than 3 hours, a dramatic improvement over traditional methods. This rapid, multi-analyte detection system is crucial for industries where time is of the essence in identifying potential contaminants.

Looking ahead, SAFIA Technologies aims to expand their testing capabilities to include allergens and environmental contaminants, potentially changing food safety practices across various industries.

Berlin Deep Tech Award 2024 Winner in the category " Sustainable & Social Impact ": SAFIA
Berlin Deep Tech Award 2024 Winner in the category " Sustainable & Social Impact ": SAFIA

Staex: Weaving a Web of Trust in the IoT Universe

Imagine a world where every smart device could communicate securely, without the need for complex VPN setups. This is the future that Staex, winner in the "Web3.0 – DLT, Blockchain, NFT & Metaverse" category, is building with their revolutionary zero-trust network for IoT devices.

At the core of Staex's innovation is their unique approach to IoT security. IoT stands for “Internet of Things” which basically means connecting everyday objects to the internet. Since the Internet is known to be the home of countless malicious hackers, it is obviously a bit risky to link everything to the Internet. This is where Staex comes in.

They've created a solution that encrypts legacy protocols and implements a multi-hop architecture, allowing devices like smart meters, IP cameras, and EV chargers to connect securely to the internet. What's fascinating is their zero-trust model: by default, all network traffic is blocked, and communication is only allowed through mutually defined tunnels.

This technology has far-reaching implications. It not only improves network performance, reliability, and scalability but also protects against DDoS attacks that often target IoT devices. Moreover, Staex's solution simplifies the creation of complex network topologies, enabling larger and more intricate networks of IoT devices.

Control Your Devices: Staex's Innovative Shield for Intelligent Machines

While these five winners have taken center stage, the Berlin Deep Tech Award also recognizes ten additional finalists whose innovations are equally promising. Let's take a moment to acknowledge these trailblazers who are contributing to Berlin's thriving tech ecosystem:

Artificial Intelligence

Photonics and Quantum Technologies
AQLS – Advanced Quantum Light Sources
Crocus Labs

Continuum Innovation

Sustainable & Social Impact
AdaptX Systems
Blue Skies Minerals

Web3.0 – DLT, Blockchain, NFT & Metaverse
Valid Technologies

More Innovation to Come

As we look ahead to next year's Berlin Deep Tech Award, one thing is certain: the jury will once again face the challenging task of selecting winners from Berlin's ever-expanding pool of innovators. The city's vibrant tech scene continues to push boundaries, tackle global challenges, and shape the future of technology.


Header image: © Guillem López Nicola

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